KPI Examples and Templates

KPIs, metrics, and ratios for any department in your organization. 
Key performance indicators (KPIs) do exactly what their name suggests: they provide an indication of your performance by measuring key processes. By monitoring the right KPIs, you can gain valuable insight into your performance and make the adjustments needed to optimize your performance.
The challenge is knowing which KPIs are most important to monitor to get the results you want. That's why we've put together this list of KPIs for each department in your organization. Each KPI comes with a definition, calculation, and example, so you can use these as templates to formulate KPIs for your team.

KPI Examples. Sales Metrics.

The days of relying on "gut feel" are long gone and staying competitive in today's business ecosystem means having the latest sales data at your fingertips. Use these KPI examples to give your sales team the edge they've been looking for.

KPI Examples. Marketing Metrics.

Objective ways of measuring your subjective marketing data to determine what really drives leads and sales. Sounds easy – it's not. Use these KPI templates to understand your campaign ROI.

KPI Examples. Supply Chain Metrics.

Keeping up with your stock and knowing exactly where everything is going can be a logistical nightmare without the proper dashboard and relevant KPIs. Use these KPI examples to keep your supply chain running smoothly.

KPI Examples. Call Center Metrics.

Call centers operate in a high stress environment. In order to deliver a high quality of service and meet SLAs, everyone from front-line agents to managers need to be dialled into the latest KPIs. Use these KPI templates to deliver quality customer service.

KPI Examples. Retail KPIs.

In the fast paced world of retail having the right metrics and KPIs is essential for staying competitive. If you aren't measuring it, you are likely missing key facts about your business and are losing out on important opportunities. Use these KPI examples to get the most out of your retail operation.

KPI Examples. Financial and Banking Metrics.

Whether your business is small or large, your fiscal health is the ultimate measure of success for your organization. It's essential that you monitor the right financial ratios to understand the profitability and performance of your business. Use these KPI templates to keep tabs on your fiscal health.

KPI Examples. SEO KPIs.

Search marketing is about measuring the effectiveness of your campaigns and making the adjustments needed to attain a high ROI. With the right SEO KPIs and metrics, you have the insight needed to run a successful campaign. Use these KPI examples to ensure your search campaigns are properly optimized.

KPI Examples. Insurance KPIs.

The secret of the world's most successful insurance organizations is monitoring the right metrics and KPIs to ensure they strike a balance between risk and reward. Use these KPI templates to find that balance.

KPI Examples. Clinical Healthcare Metrics.

Clinical healthcare KPIs keep your facility on target and ensure you deliver the best patient care possible. Start monitoring clinical KPIs like patient satisfaction, outcomes, and ER wait times. Use these KPI examples to increase the efficiency of your healthcare facilities.

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Mi perfil

Julio Carreto:
Ingeniero Civil, Maestría en Administración con especialidad en Comercialización Estratégica.
Diplomado en Mercadotecnia, Diplomado en Administración de Ventas.
Consultor Especialista en Planeación de Negocios, Planeación Estratégica y Comercialización Estratégica.
Catedrático de Maestría, Diplomado y Licenciatura

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